U.S.A.1 Embroidery Badges
Transportation U.S. Marine Corps, Civil Air Patrol, Etc. Shoulder Sleeve and Cuff Insignia
Forest Patrol U.S. Marine Corps, Civil Air Patrol, Etc. Shoulder Sleeve and Cuff Insignia
Liaison Patrol U.S. Marine Corps, Civil Air Patrol, Etc. Shoulder Sleeve and Cuff Insignia
Photography U.S. Marine Corps, Civil Air Patrol, Etc. Shoulder Sleeve and Cuff Insignia
Coastal Patrol U.S. Marine Corps, Civil Air Patrol, Etc. Shoulder Sleeve and Cuff Insignia
Civil Air Patrol Guard U.S. Marine Corps, Civil Air Patrol, Etc. Shoulder Sleeve and Cuff Insignia
Civil Air Patrol Cadet U.S. Marine Corps, Civil Air Patrol, Etc. Shoulder Sleeve and Cuff Insignia
Civil Air Patrol U.S. Marine Corps, Civil Air Patrol, Etc. Shoulder Sleeve and Cuff Insignia
Aircraft F.M.F. 4th Wing U.S. Marine Corps, Civil Air Patrol, Etc. Shoulder Sleeve and Cuff Insignia
1st Marine Amphibious Corps Aviation Engineers U.S. Marine Corps, Civil Air Patrol, Etc. Shoulder Sleeve and Cuff Insignia
Aircarft F.M.F. 1st Wing U.S. Marine Corps, Civil Air Patrol, Etc. Shoulder Sleeve and Cuff Insignia
U.S. Marine Corps, Civil Air Patrol, Etc. Shoulder Sleeve and Cuff InsigniaAircarft F.M.F. 3rd Wing U.S. Marine Corps, Civil Air Patrol, Etc. Shoulder Sleeve and Cuff Insignia
Aircarft F.M.F. 2nd Wing U.S. Marine Corps, Civil Air Patrol, Etc. Shoulder Sleeve and Cuff Insignia
High School Victory Corps - Air U.S. Marine Corps, Civil Air Patrol, Etc. Shoulder Sleeve and Cuff Insignia
H.Q. Pacific Aircraft Wing U.S. Marine Corps, Civil Air Patrol, Etc. Shoulder Sleeve and Cuff Insignia
Air Transport Command U.S. Marine Corps, Civil Air Patrol, Etc. Shoulder Sleeve and Cuff Insignia
U.S.M.C. Aircraft 4th Wing U.S. Marine Corps, Civil Air Patrol, Etc. Shoulder Sleeve and Cuff Insignia
U.S.M.C. Aircraft 3rd Wing U.S. Marine Corps, Civil Air Patrol, Etc. Shoulder Sleeve and Cuff Insignia
H.Q. U.S.M.C. Air Force - Pacific U.S. Marine Corps, Civil Air Patrol, Etc. Shoulder Sleeve and Cuff Insignia
U.S.M.C. Aircraft 2nd Wing U.S. Marine Corps, Civil Air Patrol, Etc. Shoulder Sleeve and Cuff Insignia